Friday, November 9, 2012

Take a Step Back

"The eyes are not responsible when the mind does the seeing." - Publilius Syrus

As a photographer, it's always good to take a step back from your work after your initial weeding and processing of images.  Time can give you new perspective, allow you to see things previously invisible to the mind's filter of a certain idea when you first took a photograph.

After two months, I have begun to revisit the photos from my Alaska trip and I'm beginning to see new things.

The area of Canada we were in was inundated with these trees with red berries.  The landlady of the B&B where we stayed told me what they were, as she had several in her yard, but I almost immediately forgot.  Sigh.

I took several photos of some of these gorgeous trees, going for more of a macro look (with the lack of a macro lens) with a very shallow depth of field looking for a small area of focus.  What I got, I was not that impressed with.  I found the images to be fairly boring and lifeless.

Now that some time has passed, I went back and took another look and found some possibilities.

I cropped the photos quite tightly around the small portion in focus, including some berry and some leaf and was very pleased with the results.


Update:  I looked it up and it appears to be a Rowan tree, also known as Mountain Ash.

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