Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Fruits of Higher Education

"This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put."  ~Attributed to Winston Churchill (but probably not)

I was on my way to my photography class last night (more on that in a future post) when I saw a sight which made me glad I was toting my camera around.

Now, I know that a small community college is not considered anywhere near on par with, say, an Ivy League University, but it is still considered "higher education" and I have had some wonderful classes with top notch instructors at several different community colleges throughout my life.

Last night, however, I entered through the main doorways, through which most everyone must pass, when what did my eyes behold?  Directly to my right, where no one could possibly miss...a sign on the campus bookstore door:

Sigh.  I guess a modern education doesn't include proper grammar.

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