Sunday, September 1, 2013

Family Vacation: Scotland Part 1 - Crossing Timezones

"Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo." - Al Gore

My new rule is, if I cross more than two timezones in one day, I am packing the NyQuill.  I got to London on 4 hours of sleep in 48.  The first thing I did when checking in was take a nap.  I slept about three hours and woke up.  That sounds great, right?  It was morning and I wouldn't want to sleep away my short time in London.

The London Eye

So, I slept three hours, woke up and had time to take the Tube into Picadilly Circus.  I was actually trying to get to the London Eye, but the hotel clerk recommended getting off there, so I did.  Then had to walk quite a ways to get to the Thames.

Picadilly Circuis was packed and even with GPS, I had a hard time orienting and figuring out which direction I needed to start out.  Once I got headed in the right direction, I came to Trafalgar Square and got turned around again.  Multiple streets coming into a huge roundabout,, the center of which was packed with tourists (those darn tourists always getting in the way!), it took a while to figure out which one I needed to be on.

I finally found the Thames and the London Eye, only to find that there was a Tube stop right there on the corner.  Thats what I get for taking advice from a local, even if they are in the hospitality business!

Big Ben and Parliament, London

It was getting late so I didn't have time to go further up to the Tower Bridge, but I got a few shots down river of Big Ben and Parliament.  Besides, I was still tired and looking for some more, much needed, rest.  So, back on the Tube to the hotel.

Had dinner and I was exhausted so I headed upstairs and to bed.  Another three hours and I was wide awake again.  1 am!  I never did get back to sleep.  We were up and off to catch a train to Scotland in the morning and I sleep about as well on trains as I do on planes - not at all.

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