Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Social Media

“There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant”  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I could actually consider myself NOT a social media user.  Yes, I have a blog.  That is to encourage my writing and post pictures for my friends to see.  Yes, I have a facebook page, but it's not my fault.  I had to sign up for one to assist the marketing department with a technical issue on the corporate page.  And, ok.  I have a twitter account, but I never actually tweet...

Until this morning.

I made my first tweet.  In conjunction with my first Instagram post.  Yes, it seems I now have Instagram as well.  Oh God!  So much for avoiding the time-wasting, soul-sucking black hole of social media.

This is what I posted:

"Not something you see every day!"

I played with instagram because it was taken with my iPhone in lousy light from a distance.  In other words, it sucked.  It was a crappy photo and couldn't get much worse, so what the heck.  The funky Instagram presets actually made it look better.  Go figure.  But I couldn't save it without sharing it and while I was at it, since I seem to have inexplicably gathered a few twitter followers, I why not tweet it.

My first tweet.  And it actually amuses me.  I'm so ashamed...


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