Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday Again

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Philips
Current Weight: 212.6 lbs
BMI: 38.9

At least the scale has finally begun going in the right direction. 

I've decided to post my BMI as well as my weight.  Weight equals the product of mass and force due to gravity.  Since I have no current plans to move to Mars, I can't really do anything about gravity.  So, mass it is.  "They" say a healthy BMI is 18.5 to 25.  Didn't I say something about getting rid of weight charts?  Sigh.

I got my new laptop mostly configured now.  Enough that I can get some work done. 

I really liked my netbook.  It was small, light weight, and ran Windows XP and all my software.  The only downside was the screen was too small for easily editing photos in Adobe Lightroom.  Unfortunately, netbooks seem to be going away, replaced by the tablet.  Current tablet technology doesn't quite do it for me.

So, I have my new laptop.  It's heavier, bulkier, and it runs Windows 7 (Yuck).  The sales guy was trying to sell me their exteded warranty and used "you'll get Windows 8 for free when it comes out" as an incentive.  I didn't want Windows 7, I sure don't want Windows 8!  But that's a whole other story.

The new laptop does have one GREAT feature.  A decent sized screen.  I can now happily edit my photos and actually see what I am doing!

I was writing a post when my netbook crashed about the texas summer heat.  About how so many parts of the country were suffering through unusually high temperatures.  Luckily, Texas this year, while HOT, wasn't as continually record breaking as it was last year.  And I wanted to share some coooool thoughts.

Rocky  Mountain Springtime

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