Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blogging, Part Deux


[in-ur-shuh, ih-nur-]
1. inertness, especially with regard to effort, motion, action, and the like; inactivity; sluggishness.


Lets try this again.  It is really easy to talk yourself out of writing a blog post.  Who could possibly want to read what I write?  And when you have gotten into the habit of a sedentary life, it is really hard to break out of the inertia.  Work, errands, home, repeat.

I wanted this blog to be all about changing my life.  From the sedentary couch potato to someone who goes out and does all the things she wants to do.  The one thing I didn't want to write was a weight-loss blog.  But I have come to the realization that at the top of everything I want to do, all the changes I want to make in my life, begin with losing weight.

You hear a lot of weight loss success stories that begin with one, huge, pivital point that made that person realize they needed to lose the weight they have been carrying all their life or the will die, be alone forever, become permanently attached to the couch (pick a cliche).  With me, not so much.

I see a picture of myself and think how can I possibly be THAT fat?  I lay down on the couch and can't breathe because at that angle all the fat around my neck is slowly strangling me.  I walk up the two flights of stairs to my apartment and I'm wheezing and gasping at the top.  I want to learn to kayak, but I'm afraid I can't get my fat ass in the boat.  Its a hundred little things that eat at your consciousness and your self-esteem until finally say ENOUGH! 

This is not my life.  What happened?

So, I am giving this blog another shot and want to write about all the things I want to do to begin to live an actual life again.  I am more than just a fat person wanting to lose weight.  But I won't skirt around the elephant in the room and will try to look at it head on.

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