Friday, July 20, 2012


"A woman should never be seen eating or drinking, unless it be lobster salad and Champagne, the only true feminine and becoming viands." - Lord Byron
I grew up a tomboy.

My mom tried her hardest to get me to be a girl, but I was having none of it.  Dolls?  Forget it.  Ballet Lessons?  No Way!  Figure skating?  I'd rather play hockey.  (ever play hockey on figure skates?)

But as an adult, I have outgrown many of my tomboy ways, but find the habits hard to break.  I would like to be more feminine.  (And secretly...deep down...shhhhhh...I'd love to intimidate men with my womanliness).
Firefly's Inara Serra (Morena Baccarin).  Sensual, graceful, serene, and she can kick ass when necessary.

Fat tomboy = not so intimidating.

Even so, I'm not going spend thousands re-vamping my wardrobe.  Or do some kind of Jekyll/Hyde transformation.  But, a step at a time, I can pick up a few more feminine habits. 

Feminine Goal #1:  Stop biting my nails.  Sounds simple enough.

I have bitten my nails all my life.  (Except for a two week stretch in my 20s.  After two sets of replacement contact lenses, I happily went back to biting)

No contacts anymore.  Should be safe, right?

The actual not biting was surprisingly easy to accomplish.

This time its divots.  Who knew peeling a hard boiled egg would be so difficult?  I keep catching my thumb nail on the egg every time I try to remove a piece of shell.  I ended up with egg under my nails and little divots all over the thing.  An oblong golf ball.

I apparently also have to re-learn how to type; my nails keep sliding off the keys

Don't let me start on my iPhone.  Aargh!

Who knew a foray into femininity would be so fraught with frustration. 

But they look REALLY nice.

Can't wait to see what is in store for me next.

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