Feminine Goal #2: Dye my hair.
When I was a child, my hair was wavy. Every year, it got curlier, but no one seemed to have any idea how to care for curly hair. The result? Knots. Painful knots that the horrible brush I had couldn't work through. The knots often turned to mats and the mats would eventually have to be cut out. Mortifying to a pre-teen girl.
As an adult, I finally got sick of dealing with dry, frizzy hair.
So I started having my hair flat ironed. Finally, the straight hair I always wished I had and I could actually run my fingers through it! But going to the hairdresser week after week began to wear. Next, I tried doing it myself. Burned fingers and singed hair ensued. Screw that.
The other problem is gray. It started (mildly) in high school and expanded but now seems to have contained itself to my temples.
When it was flat ironed, the gray looked kind of cool - like Rogue from the X-Men.
(too bad I don't have her body!)
Post flat ironing: good bye Rogue. Hello, Bride of Frankenstein!
Then I found salvation.
This is where the hair dye comes in.
My hair is now healthy. People now tell me they are jealous of the long ringlets flowing down my back.. THAT never happened before I found this book. I absolutely LOVE it.
But its still gray at the temples. I don't know if it makes me LOOK old, but when I look in the mirror, it definitely makes me FEEL old.
So, thats my next goal - to start dying my hair. I don't have a hairdresser in my area that knows how to work with curly hair, so I'm going to do it myself, for now. But I may look into having it done. A little pampering is good for the soul.
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