Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Run For Your Life

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."  - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Normally I keep things like this a secret.  More often than not, I fail and if people know about it I have to admit my failure.  I don't like admitting to failure.  But I decided to use this blog for accountability in my quest to change my life so...

I have decided to start the Couch to 5K program.

Sigh.  There, I said it.

I have never been a runner.  Even at my fittest, running was...difficult.

I have been walking for almost a year now.  3 days a week (almost) like clockwork.  I haven't lost any weight.  Although some of the weight has redistributed itself a bit as I am wearing the next size down and my legs seem a little less jiggly.

I have always liked the IDEA of running.  Thanks to lack of time, money and opportunity, I have very few options for sporting activities in my adult life so running seems like a good idea.

I have no illusions about how challenging this is going to be.  Physically AND psychologically.

The program is laid out as an 8 week course.  I thoroughly expect each "week" to take me a month before I am even remotely able to move on to the next level.  I already did the first day, which consisted of a warm up walk, 20 mintues alternating between running and walking and a cooldown walk.  It was a push to run half of the running cycles.  I walked the rest. 

But that's ok.  I'm thrilled that I even tried.  Maybe day 2 will see me running one more cycle before I have to walk.  I will not let frustration or feeling like I am not progressing "like other people" to be an excuse for quitting.

My goal here is not to run a race.  My goal here is to be able to move faster than a stroll without asphyxiating.  In my perfect life I am able to move across varied terrain all day shooting pictures.  For that, I need to be fit and not pass out if I climb a hill, or rush to catch a shot.

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