"Man is born to live, not to prepare to live." - Boris Pasternak
I just heard the siren of a fire truck speeding
by the office.
Sudden, intense longing.
I’m trapped in a windowless prison.
While there is a world out there. People. Living life. Experiencing. Doing.
What am I doing here? What does it matter?
I work at things I think I want, trying to get the life I think I need because, deep down, I don't believe I can do what I truly want to do. That I can't do it, and even if I can, that I don't deserve it. That I will fail. Or succeed. Or succeed and find I'm a fraud.
I have a new job. One that I spent a year studying for and another two years waiting to get.
I'm still preparing. More school for another certification. To get more job experience. To move. To get a "career" despite the economy. So I can start living my life.
And this, like every other thing I have prepared to do to start living my life, feels hollow. Because, while it is something to give me security, it isn't what my heart truly wants.
And a siren goes by and I want to be out there. In the world. Doing. Living.
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