the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and cahins.
Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom
scale. ~Stephen Phillips
They say muscle weighs more than fat. I have always hoped more than believed that to be true. Every time I began to exercise and I didn't immediately see significant weight loss, I tell msyelf, well muscle weighs more than fat. I must be building muscle.
Maybe there is some truth to that. In the six months or so I have been walking 3-4 times a week, I have only lost 12 lbs. Part of that is because I can't give up sodas, and drink two or three of them a week.
But lately, I have been noticing that my pants are too big. I mean, WAY too big. When I started, the only reason I didn't have a size bigger than I do is because I refused to buy them. But I couldn't button the top botton. They were tight. Really tight.
Now, despite only losing 12 lbs, They are falling off me. Yay! I have had to move down to the next smaller size.
How many women who have gained a significant amount of weight over the years and continuously wish to lost said weight DON'T have several sizes of clothes in their closets?
Unfotunuately, despite noticable difference in the fit of my clothes, I still haven't noticed any visual difference. When I look at pictures of myself, I still see an enormous woman. And I cringe.
The only reason I even post pictures of what I look like (or even allow any to be taken) is to remind myself of my goal. It is way too easy for my mind to convince myself it's not as bad as I think it is.
Well, it is that bad and I have to keep reminding myself I need to continue to work on doing something about it.
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